Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Technique of The Week: Fundamental Jun Fan Kickboxing

Technique of The Week starts with this Fundamental Jun Fan Kickboxing drill required to go past the Phase 1 stage.

Look at this drill in three stages.

The Prefix is an entry and in this case we are using a kick to move from kicking range into punching range. The three kicks shown here are O'ou Tek, Jit Tek and Juk Tek.

Then in the middle we have the punches and the selection of the combination used are historical and considered suitable for learning in the best way, but later on can be changed to alternative choices. Ray here shows how good body mechanic and technique can generate power, so try not to hit hard as that will come in time. Concentrate on the flow.

The suffix moves back to the kicks with the padholder stepping back and out of punching range, back into kicking range. There are plenty of kicks to use but we are focusing on a default drill here. If the padholder doesn't step back then we could move into standing grappling range.

So work the drill and learn to flow between the two ranges in the three sections seamlessly. Repeat good technique and DO NOT substitute technique for power. Power will come in it's own time.

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